1. Backrest- 11135B

2. Arm- 11135A

3. Commode Pail- 11120B

4. Leg (1Z ser #)- 11135L

5. Tip- RTL10389GB

6. Push Button- 12002PB

7. Seat 1A ser. #- 11135S

            1Z ser. #- 111351Z-S

8. Pail Bracket

    3 Screws each side- 11135BRK

    4 Screws each side- 11135BRKN *

* 4/11 and later


Diagrams Home

Width between Arms- 25.75”        

Outside Width- 27.5”                    

Seat Width- 23.25”                       

Seat Depth- 18.5”                         

Seat Height- 17.5” to 22”              

Weight- 22 lbs.

Back Height- 31” to 35”

Back Ht. Above Seat- 11”

Front to Back Leg 20”

Seat Opening 10” X 13”