1. Screw the main nut unto the worm screw of the motor past the machined out section.
2. Position the stop clip over the machined out section of the worm gear and push down.
3. Align the main nut and the stop clip.
4. Slide the torque tube over the stop clip and main nut. Align the slots in the torque tube with the cut outs in the main nut.
5. Position the main nut retainer in the slots and tap down.
6. Attached the motor end of the assembly to the bed with the mounting bolts. Plug the motor in.
7. The replacement motor may be less than 1” longer than the original motor. When the motor is properly installed this difference will have no effect on the operations of the bed. Push the down button on the hand control of the motor that was installed until the motor stops turning.
8. Turn the square actuating tube of the motor till it is aligned to the appropriate bed mounting bracket. Turning the tube clockwise will decrease its’ length on the motor and turning counterclockwise will increase its’ length.